Alice Cunningham working


Alice Cunningham is a visual artist with a diverse practice working with a breadth of materials, renowned for her sculptural carvings and work in social engagement. Alice is equally passionate about concept and materiality in her artwork. She has exhibited widely throughout the UK and internationally.

These creative experiences have propelled her to delve deeper into the intersection of art, society, and the environment, resulting in the creation of several impactful pieces where concept and materiality have an equal focus. As an artist and environmentalist Alice is passionate about using sustainable materials as much as possible in the creation of her works. She explored this further when awarded a residency at The Earth Sciences Department of The University of Bristol and in her resulting self titled solo show ‘What does Climate Change Look Like?”

Alice’s portfolio includes a myriad of significant commissions, from site-specific artworks in Amiens (France), Vittorio Veneto (Italy), Weston Super Mare and Stoke on Trent, (UK) to permanent sculptures in Trinity Arts Centre, Bristol and a new commission alongside Richard Long for the Royal West of England Academy’s recent Earth: Digging Deep in British Art 1781-2022.  Each commission reflects a narrative interwoven with personal experience, site response and environmental consciousness.

The curator of the Hermitage Museum in Russia commissioned Alice to represent the UK and create a permanent public artwork in Italy in a Europe wide cross cultural art project. This allowed her to relate her artistic vision within global perspectives, exploring the discourse of visual language and art’s transformative power across borders.

Collaboration lies at the heart of Alice’s practice and includes engagements with the Royal Society of Sculptors, University of Bristol, and the Bank of England. Awards include the Outstanding Prize at the Royal West of England Academy and the Leonardo Da Vinci Scholarship in Seville.

Through teaching engagements, workshops, and lectures at prestigious institutions like the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences, she’s shared her expertise and remained open to learning and evolving as an artist.

“My fascination with people and our material engagement with the world around us makes me endeavour to create work that is as inclusive as possible. I am interested in ways of communicating, the ways we interact with and understand our surroundings”

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